Saturday, October 8, 2016

A Study In Desperation


  1. According to Democrats:
    Kennedy leaving a woman to drown in a car = "Lion of the Senate"
    Clinton probing an intern's plumbing with a cigar = "Personal matter"
    Obama's trillions in deficit spending = "Hope & Change"
    4 dead in Benghazi = "What difference does it make now?"

    And so on and so forth. You're absolutely right Springer, that hideous stench isn't from Granny's diaper, it's DNC fear.

    1. Well said Chish...murder, rape, gross malfeasance, and incompetence...That sums up the these people in one comment. No wonder they like Hillary

  2. The plan is to drop 2+ rape charges against DJT: both underage, probably recycles from the Lolita Express run by WJC and Jeff Epstein. Who else could provide such "credible" fodder?

    1. It looks like they won't get the traction they were hoping for with this latest stunt, so we shouldn't be surprised if/when they come up with something just like this. They won't stop at anything
